Reports and referral responses

In Swedish: Rapporter och remissvar

REMISSVAR/Referral response May 23 2023
Remiss av utredningen Statens ansvar för det svenska flygplatssystemet - För tillgänglighet och beredskap
(Ds 2023:3) 

Referral responses of the study The state's responsibility for the Swedish airport system - For availability and preparedness
(Ds Ds 2023:3)  

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Click here or on the image for further information
 (Only in Swedish)

Ds 2021:25

REMISSVAR/Referral response October 31 2022
Remiss av rapporten Arlanda flygplats – en plan för framtiden/
Referral responses of the report
 Arlanda Airport – a plan for
the future
 (Ds 2022:11)  

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Click here or on the image for further information
(Only in Swedish)

Ds 2022:11

REMISSVAR/Referral response December 17 2021
Remiss av rapporten Bromma flygplats – underlag för avveckling av drift och verksamhet/
Referral responses of the report Bromma airport - basis for discontinuing operations and activities
(Ds 2021:25)  

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Click here or on the image for further information
 (Only in Swedish)

Ds 2021:25

REMISSVAR/Referral response December 17 2021
Remiss av Swedavia AB:s sammanfattning av begärd konsekvensanalys avseende förtida avveckling av Bromma Stockholm Airport/
Referral of Swedavia AB's summary of the requested impact analysis regarding early decommissioning of Bromma Stockholm Airport

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Click here or on the image for further information
 (Only in Swedish)


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